No news today...

Sorry folks, no update today.

I got up early to write today and sat waiting for a response to yesterday’s questions to finish it. It turned out that we got our wires crossed somehow and CUB sent them to The Crafty Pintinstead. An easy mistake to make.

Problem is (I hope Crafty’s not reading this) I don’t get to read Crafty’s site every day and missed them. So, as we’re a seven day operation here at Brews News, I will have to update you over the weekend.

Given it’s a three day turnaround at CUB as their carefully constructed answers filter down through the lawyers and media advisors, I don’t expect my questions today to be answered on Crafty’s site until Monday. So there will be more next week too.

Here are the questions I asked as a teaser for next week’s article:
Based on your comments to James: (The Crafty Pint, Ed)

CUB are no doubt aware of the comments by SABMiller’s Executive Chairman made recently to Fortune magazine.

1. Does CUB support his comment with regard to the authenticity of beers produced as a result of commercial arrangements with other breweries, namely: “‘Let the consumer decide.” If we’re authentic enough for the consumer, that’s authentic enough for anyone.””

2. Given CUB has been licensed the right to produce and distribute the Pale Lager in pack form, does CUB believe that the public is able to fairly decide on the authenticity of the bottled product without knowing of CUB’s involvement in its production?”
See you over the weekend.

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