Old Salt Sam needs some deck hands.

Good Beer Week has, over its first two years, had a pleasant habit of throwing up an event or two that is different, quirky, noice, a bit unusual, and noice. From beer and food matching dinners, great debates and meet the brewer evenings, there has always been a surprise around a corner or up a laneway.

This year for the first time an event will take to the high seas. Well, without pumping it up too much, it’s a boat ride around the bay. Aaah, actually, a boatride around the harbour. You know, Docklands? Maybe not much from a nautical standpoint, but seriously, a cracker if you like the ‘Four Bs’; Boats, BBQ, Beer, the Briney Blue and Brewer Sam Fuss. Ok, that’s five – you’re already getting more than you bargained for, eh!?

Leaving St Kilda Marina at 11am for a four-hour tour (that’s a whole one hour more than Gilligan offered) Skipper Sam Fuss will ensure the group will be well watered with Old Salt beers while slinging a few hooks off the back of the boat in the hope of catching something other than flotsam and/or jetsom.Old Salt single logo

Lunch is provided in the form of a BBQ Masterclass as Tongmaster Prof Pilsner unravels the mysteries of the grill, allowing crew mates to take turns steering the BBQ as we learn the secrets of grilling, roasting and even slow-smoking. Prof’s famous Beer Trivia will provide fun, education and a treasure trove of wonderful give aways as we navigate the treacherous passages of ‘Harbourtown’ ‘DFO-on-the-left’ and ‘What’s-It-Called-This-Week-Stadium’. If the weather be foul we may drop anchor at the nearest licensed outlet or huddle together below decks. Either way, fun for all – even if you don’t know how to fish, how to BBQ or how to correctly call “man overboard!!” Fun is guaranteed.

Only a few tickets remain (the boat is rated to 50 peeps but we are restricting numbers to 20 to allow everyone to participate in all activities as they wish) and are available through the Good Beer Week website.GBW 2013

DISCLOSURE: Pete Mitcham is hosting the BBQ Masterclass part of the tour but figured he could write an impartial and un-emotive piece about the event. The last few tickets will sell fast so Sam thought Brews News readers should have first crack. IMPORTANT; the tour already has a Skipper, a Professor and a movie star. We still need a millionaire, a Mary-Anne and a Gilligan.

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