About Brews News

Brews News has been the industry’s trusted media source since 2010.   Our team of journalists and experts explain the stories that matter and empower everyone in the brewing industry to be part of important conversations.

Brews News was founded by Matt Kirkegaard in 2010, growing out of a personal blog started in the early 2000s. In those early days of what became the Australian craft beer revolution, and at a time when small brewers struggled to get media attention, Matt was a passionate advocate for the brewing industry.

A journalist by profession, Matt started self publishing so that he could tell the stories about the beer industry that weren’t being told by mainstream media. He wanted to know why an issue mattered, why the industry was shaped a certain way and what truths sat behind marketing campaigns.

In many ways Brews News has grown and matured alongside the Australasian brewing industry. 

Today, Brews News is a small but dedicated team of journalists and professionals committed to providing quality news,  analysis, connections, conversions and thought-leading material about all aspects of the grain to glass supply chain.

Throughout its journey Brews News has remained committed to Matt’s original ideals to independently cover the issues facing the industry.

With integrity at its core Brews News has attracted an audience of highly engaged industry professionals who know they can rely on the information we provide to make decisions in their own businesses and stay informed about the industry.